Director's Message

Prof. Zhengrui JIANG

Professor of Information Systems at the School of Management and Economics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen.
Associate editor of the journal Information Systems Research
Senior editor of the journal Production and Operations Management

Director's Message

Zhengrui JIANG is currently a Professor of Information Systems at the School of Management and Economics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen. He is also the Co-director of the Master of Data Science Program. Before joining CUHK-Shenzhen, he was the Thome Professor in Business and Professor of Information Systems and Business Analytics at the Ivy College of Business, Iowa State University and a Distinguished Professor at the Nanjing University Business School. His primary research interests include business intelligence and analytics, optimization/decision-making under uncertainty, diffusion of technological innovations, and economics of information technology. His research has appeared in leading academic journals including Management Science, MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Research, Production and Operations Management, INFORMS Journal on Computing, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering.

Dr. Jiang currently serves as an associate editor for Information Systems Research and won the journal’s Best Associate Editor Award in 2021. He previously served as an associate editor for MIS Quarterly and received its Outstanding Associate Editor Award in 2016. In addition, he is currently a senior editor for Production and Operations Management. He co-chaired The 13th Annual Big XII+ MIS Research Symposium (2015), The 9th Annual Midwest Association for Information Systems Conference (2014), and The 28th Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems (WITS 2018). 

Besides academia, Dr. Jiang has collaborated extensively with industry partners in the past ten years. He has done analytics work for multiple internationally known companies in America, Europe, and China, and provided them solutions to improve the efficiency of operations.

Prof. Jianfeng MAO

Associate Professor of School of Data Science
Co-director of MSc in Data Science Programme
Worked in Shenzhen Research Institute of Big Data and, Shenzhen Key Laboratory of IoT Intelligent system and Wireless Network Technology

Director's Message

Jianfeng Mao is currently the Associate Professor and Assistant Dean of the School of Data Science, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen. He is also the Co-director of the Master of Data Science Program, and an associate editor of the journal Discrete Event Dynamic Systems: Theory and Applications. He received the B.E. degree and M.E. degree in Automation Science from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, and Ph.D. degree in Systems Engineering from Boston University. He is the former Assistant Professor in the School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.

He has been engaged in the field of systems engineering, focusing on the research of models and optimization theory methods of discrete event systems, applied to transportation systems, logistics networks, smart grids and manufacturing systems, etc. His research results have been published in important journals, such IEEE Transactions on  Automatic Control, IEEE Transactions on  Intelligent Transportation Systems, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, European Journal of Operational Research, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, Automatica, etc.

His research has been supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore, Ministry of Education, Singapore and Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation Committee. He has won the Best Conference Paper Award at high-level international conference, including Integrated Communications 2020, Navigation and Surveillance Conference, IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering 2017, Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference 2012. He is the recipient of several awards such as the Guangdong Nanyue Outstanding Teacher Award 2021, the Shenzhen Outstanding Teacher Award 2020, and the The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen Presidential Model Teaching Award 2019.