Education Background

Ph.D., Information Systems, The University of Hong Kong

M.A., Management Science and Engineering, Nankai University 

B.A., Electronic Business, Nankai University 

Research Field

Electronic Commerce, Social Media analytics, Text Mining, Crowdfunding


Monica Zhoulan BAO is an Assistant Professor in Information Systems at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen. She received her Ph.D. in Information Systems from The University of Hong Kong in 2018. Her research interests include e-commerce, social media analytics, text mining and crowdfunding.


1. "Examining the Impact of Review Tag Function on Product Evaluation and Information Perception of Popular Products" with Wenwen Li, Pengzhen Yin, Michael Chau, Information Systems and e-Business Management, Accepted.

2. "Incorporating the Time Order Effect of Feedbacks in Online Auction Markets through a Bayesian Updating Model" with Michael Chau, Wenwen Li, Boye Yang, Alice J. Lee, MIS Quarterly, Forthcoming.