Manuele Reani 现为香港中文大学(深圳)经管学院信息系统学的助理教授。在此之前,他曾是曼彻斯特大学的博士后研究助理,并在艾伦·图灵学院进行健康数据科学研究。
他在曼彻斯特大学获得博士学位,在伦敦政经学院获得管理学硕士学位。他的博士研究方向是人机交互和行为决策。他曾在香港科技大学计算机科学与工程学院的人机交互实验室进行两个项目。他还曾参加埃塞克斯大学的大数据分析暑期课程并在伦敦大学(伯贝克学院)获得工商管理硕士学位。Manuele Reani 博士是多本计算机科学杂志和心理学杂志的评论人。他的论文已多次发表于知名期刊。他的研究领域是大数据,决策行为,行为经济学,认知科学和数据分析在人类行为方面的应用。
1. "Editorial: Communication of Risk in the Public Realm", Reani M, Jay C and Ottley A, Front. Psychol,13:935352,2022
2. "Convincing or Odd: Anthropomorphic Design Cues in Chatbots", Bao, Zhuolan; Chen, Jiashu; Luo, Yunzhong; and Reani, Manuele, PACIS 2022 Proceedings,255,2022
3. "UK daily meteorology, air quality, and pollen measurements for 2016–2019, with estimates for missing data.", Reani, M., Lowe, D., Gledson, A., Topping, D., & Jay, C., Scientific Data,9(1), 1-12,2022
4. "Convincing or Odd: Anthropomorphic Design Cues in Chatbots", Bao, Zhuolan, Jiashu Chen, Yunzhong Luo, and Manuele Reani., PACIS 2022,2022
5. "Communication of Risk in the Public Realm", Reani, M., Jay, C., & Ottley, A. (2022), Frontiers in Psychology, 13,2022
6. "Fostering Engagement in Technology-Mediated Stress Management: A Comparative Study of Biofeedback Designs", Sun, Z., Reani, M., Li, Q., & Ma, X., International Journal of Human-Computer Studies,102430,2020
7. “Evidencing How Experience and Problem Format Affect Probabilistic Reasoning Through Interaction Analysis”, Reani Manuele, Alan Davies, Niels Peek and Caroline Jay, Frontiers in Psychology,10 (July 2019). DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg. 2019. 01548
8. “How Different Visualizations Affect Human Reasoning about Uncertainty: An Analysis of Visual Behaviour”, Reani Manuele, Niels Peek, and Caroline Jay, Computers in Human Behavior,92 (March 1, 2019): 55–64
9. “Mediating Color Filter Exploration with Color Theme Semantics Derived from Social Curation Data”, Wu, Ziming, Zhida Sun, Taewook Kim, Manuele Reani, Caroline Jay, and Xiaojuan Ma, Proc. ACM Hum.-Comput. Interact,2, no. CSCW (November 2018): 187:1–187:24
10. "An investigation of the effects of n-gram length in scanpath analysis for eye-tracking research", Reani Manuele, Niels Peek, and Caroline Jay, In ETRA ’18: ETRA ’18: 2018 Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications, June 14–17, 2018, Warsaw, Poland. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 8 pages
11. “How Do People Use Information Presentation to Make Decisions in Bayesian Reasoning Tasks?”, Reani Manuele, Alan Davies, Niels Peek, and Caroline Jay, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies,111 (March 1, 2018): 62–77
12. "Does descriptive text change how people look at art? A novel analysis of eye-movements using data-driven Units of Interest", Alan Davies, Manuele Reani, Markel Vigo, Simon Harper, Martin Grimes, Clare Gannaway, and Caroline Jay, Journal of Eye Movement Research,10, 4 (2017)
13. “The Rise of Mobile Computing for Group Decision Support Systems: A Comparative Evaluation of Mobile and Desktop”, Wang Weigang, and Reani Manuele, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies,104 (August 1, 2017): 16–35